Showcase 2018-09-25T08:07:08+00:00

Applications & Case studies

Showcase, all about YOUring


YOUteach: the new feature that makes the YOUring even smarter

With the YOUteach, you can save the points in freedrive mode without the teach pendant!
The new feature, developed by Alumotion and implemented in the last YOUring software release, allows to record the points of the robot on the fly, for a quicker teaching activity.
Discover the new feature to save the points in freedrive mode without the teach pendant!

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Pick & Place

YOUring is used to pick an object from a placement and make a reposition of it for an assembly

While moving toward the operator or downward, the YOUring blinks red, signaling to the operator to stay away, in order to avoid a possible contact.
When the robot ends the movement, the YOUring signals to the operator to start the process, with a yellow light.
Once the grasp is completed and the object to assemble has been positioned, the YOUring emits a light and a sound that warn the operator of the finished activity.

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Motek Fair

YOUring has been introduced from Universal Robots, during the Motek 2017 fair, in Germany

YOUring has been used by Universal Robots during the Motek 2017 fair, where UR has showed different application cases, such as assembly and pick&place.
YOUring has been mounted for the use in different applications, as a demonstration of its flexibility and practicality.
Specifically it has been showed an example of palletizing and depalletizing, with Robotiq gripper and YOUring indicating a safe-stop of the robot.

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A creative use!

YOUring has been choosen by Asics for the inauguration of its biggest flagstore in London

YOUring has been choosen by Asics for the inauguration of its biggest store in London.

YOUring has been mounted of a Universal Robots arm, with a Robotiq gripper and force sensor.

YOUring has been used in a creative way, showing its infinite possibilities of use.

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